When I was a toddler we lived in Connecticut not far from New York City. One of my cousins from Arizona was called to serve a Mormon mission in Europe. On his way overseas he had layover for in New York. He had asked my dad if he could drive him around to see a couple of sights in New York before his flight to Europe. (He didn’t have permission to do this from the church, but he figured that no one would ever know.)
After enjoying some sights and time together they headed to the airport. As they inched through the New York rush hour, bumper to bumper traffic, my dad realized that they were not going make it to the airport on time. My cousin worried and fretted that he was going to get in trouble. At first my dad thought about going to the house and scheduling another flight. His next thought was to just keep inching forward ever so slowly. “Just get there,” he thought. (This of course was years before we had smart phones that allow us to check on the status of our flights, etc.)
They arrived an hour late
As it turned out, my cousin’s flight had been delayed. He later boarded right on time, and no one was the wiser.
Sometimes it may seem that all is lost. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t.
Just keep going, especially when you feel something inside of you saying, “Press on.” It may just work out after all, maybe not exactly as you hoped it would, but right on time