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I share stories, tools and resources from my experiences as a teacher, social worker and therapist that will lead you to a happy, peaceful life.

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I share stories from my life experiences that will lead you to a happy, peaceful life.

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Comparto historias, técnicas y recursos de mi experiencias como maestro, trabajador social y terapeuta que te llevarán a una vida más feliz y tranquila

Hello! I’m Glenn

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

I’ve been a licensed therapist since 1996.  I have taught elementary, middle, high school and adult school and also worked as a social worker for LA County’s Department of Children and Family Services.  I’m currently helping teach a counseling course in a community college.  As a therapist, teacher, social worker, father, coach and Scoutmaster I’ve enjoyed working with, observing and encouraging people.  I hope to help you live a happy and peaceful life.

A Few Thoughts

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Has the length, uncertainty and isolation due to COVID 19 got you down? Dr Harriet Stares and I explore ways we can find some pockets of peace and happiness, anyway.

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When’s the last time you yelled at a six year old and their response changed your life? Marysol’s example that Wednesday afternoon taught me a lesson on forgiveness that I’ve never forgotten….

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Have you or someone you know been sexually abused by a family member? Vanessa bravely tells about the confusion and hurt she went through when a trusted family member molested her. As a 5 year old….

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Our lives don’t always unfold the way we wish. Our own mistakes, the behavior of others, illness, accidents and death present obstacles to our own peace and happiness. I share two paintings done by…

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When I was a senior in high school I had a really nice girlfriend. She was witty, fun and spontaneous. I enjoyed spending time with her. Her best friend at the time was somewhat of a flirt. On occasion the best friend would flirt with me right in front of my…

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(At the end of the day, it’s my life.)

I decided to participate in my high school’s cross country team my senior year. I had wrestled the year before and was preparing to do my very best in wrestling my final year. I thought that running on the cross country team would help me….

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I find inspiration in watching the workers from the Department of Motor Vehicles. One of the first times I was there I remember feeling frustrated. There were lines out the door.  Most of the workers were working at a regular pace. “Work faster!” I….

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One evening I was caring for my 18-month-old son after I had put his older sisters to bed. My wife was at an evening class at Cal State LA.  I carried my son into…

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¿El aislamiento o la incertidumbre debido a la pandemia te han afectado? La terapeuta Adriana Cortés-Kanter y yo platicamos de maneras de buscar soluciones para encontrar tranquilidad y felicidad, de todos modos.

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La reacción de una niña que regañé me enseñó mucho de la importancia del perdón. Seguí dando clases ahí cinco años más, luego fui trabajador social, y ahora soy psicoterapeuta familiar pero esta historia sigue siendo mi favorita. Acompáñame al contarles más anécdotas y te daré más recursos en mi canal de YouTube que te ayudarán a llevar una vida más feliz y tranquila.

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Glenn nos ayuda a entender las síntomas de la depresión y luego nos da unas sugerencias para enfrentarlas. La depresión miente, y nos dice que el mundo estará mejor sin nosotros. Nos hace pensar que siempre nos hemos sentido así y que siempre nos sentiremos así. Sí hay esperanza, aunque la vida sea un poquito diferente do lo que esperabamos. Lo importante es seguir adelante disfrutando las cositas de la vida. La depresión nos quiere aíslar. Es importante participar en la vida, y acercarnos a nuestros seres queridos que nos apoyan. Se canta “Un millón de amigos.”

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¿Eres perfeccionista? ¿Te frustras cuando las cosas no salen a la manera que tú planeaste? ¿Tu vida no es la que esperabas? Glenn nos habla de la belleza de la imperfección. A veces le vida da vueltas que no esperábamos. Al adaptarnos nos damos cuenta que siempre hay belleza en la vida, y hay veces la imperfección produce cosas más impresionantes. Comparamos dos cuardos (pinturas) una más imperfecta pero tan viviente como la otra. Al escuchar de los estadios de béisbol Glenn explica como el terreno más irregular produjo unos de los estadios más preferidos en las ligas mayores de béisbol. Luego nos habla de una experiencia como trabajador social en la que el cree que el deseo de ser perfecto es un obstáculo para hacer lo humano. Se termina con la canción De Colores.

My Approach & Values

I am a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist that believes that we have the power to examine and reframe our thoughts in a way to live without depression and anxiety paralyzing us.

As we learn to communicate openly, kindly and wisely, respecting others’ free will, we can build healthier relationships with those we live and work with.

I also teach and am available for public speaking engagements.


You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head. Be kind to yourself.


Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it

Maya Angelou

I am only one,
but still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

Edward Everett Hale

Contact Me

Ask a question below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

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(562) 945-8808

13112 Hadley Street, Suite 105, Whittier, CA 90601